Employment Law

Hamilton radio interview on employee rights during a probation period
A Hamilton employment lawyer joins the Billy Kelly show to discuss a possible violation of policy during an employee's probationary period leading…

COVID-19: What should business owners know?
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins Canaccord's Greg Goernet to discuss tips for employers as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Fired for a dress code violation: A human rights complaint?
A Calgary employment lawyer joined 630 CHED to discuss dress code violations and possible gender discrimination in the workplace.

Mountain Equipment Co-op laying off 200 employees over COVID-19
MEC says that due to ongoing pandemic, they will "transition some staff from temporary layoffs to permanent layoffs."…

Working during COVID-19 with a mental health disability – Globe and Mail
Lior Samfiru speaks with the Globe and Mail regarding mounting health concerns while working during the pandemic.

COVID-19: Returning to work and job abandonment
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins Ottawa at Work to discuss returning to work amidst the pandemic and potential job abandonment.

Will employers allow employees to remain at home as schools open?
Ottawa employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins Ottawa Now to discuss employees' rights if their children contract COVID-19.

Amazon workers privacy rights violated
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins the John Oakley show to discuss the privacy rights of Amazon workers and employees currently working from…

Ontario extends COVID-19 layoff provision, jeopardizing employers
Ontario has extended a COVID-19 temporary layoff provision until Jan. 2, 2020. An employment lawyer explains employee rights, and impact on employers.