Employment Law

Employment lawyer on large-scale firings over vaccination
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins CTV National News to discuss mass terminations as a result of vaccination status.

Alex Lucifero on pandemic effect on severance pay
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins CTV News Ottawa with Matt Skube to discuss COVID-19 terminations and severance pay.

Employment lawyer on terminations for unvaccinated Toronto workers
Employment lawyer Chantel Goldsmith joins Kelly Cutrara on Global News Radio 640 Toronto to discuss city employee rights and vaccine mandates.

Employment Lawyer on severance for oil industry workers
Employment lawyer Lluc Cerda speaks to CBC News regarding mandatory vaccines in the oil industry.

Wrongful dismissals during COVID-19
If you were recently terminated, it’s fair to assume you were wrongfully dismissed. What constitutes a wrongful dismissal? Read more to find…

Employment Lawyer on vaccination mandate for City of Toronto workers
Employment lawyer Fiona Martyn speaks with the Toronto Star regarding vaccine policies by both the provincial and federal governments.

Alex Lucifero on update to federal vaccination mandate
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins Newstalk 580 CFRA with Kristy Cameron to discuss the federal vaccine policy.

Vancouver Lawyer on Accommodating Unvaccinated Workers: Global BC
A Vancouver employment lawyer joins Global BC to discuss employee rights regarding unvaccinated coworkers.

Jon Pinkus interview on federal vaccination mandate
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins John Oakley on Global News Radio 640 Toronto to discuss complying with vaccine policies at work.