Employment Law
Potential Alberta stat holiday for the Queen: Global News Interview
Employment lawyer Karen Tereposky spoke with Global News Calgary on whether or not Albertans will receive a statutory holiday to mourn the…
Do I have to look for a new job after getting fired?
Your search for new work in a similar position or field could impact your severance pay entitlements.
Employed in several full-time jobs and the possible consequences
An employment lawyer joins Kelly Cutrara on 640 Toronto to discuss employee rights if working multiple jobs and the potential legal consequences.
Employee Rights When Over-employed: 980 CKNW Interview
A Vancouver employment lawyer joined Jill Bennett on 980 CKNW to discuss the rights of employees who are employed in several full-time…
Federal holiday for Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral: Sept. 19
Many workers across Canada aren't getting Sept. 19 off to mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Learn more about your rights…
Sleep Country Canada: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Sleep Country Canada? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your…
Smoking breaks in Alberta: Rights for employees
Employers in Alberta aren't legally obligated to provide non-unionized employees with specific breaks for smoking.
Refusing unsafe work in British Columbia: Rights for employees
Punished or fired for refusing unsafe work in British Columbia? Learn about your rights and how our employment lawyers can help.
B.C. mandates disclosure of refused work: What employees need to know
New legislation in B.C. requires employers to inform staff taking on refused work why the job was turned down by a previous…