Employment Law

Victoria Day Statutory Holiday in Ontario: Employee Guide
Find out what Victoria Day is in Ontario, when the statutory holiday occurs, who is eligible for it, and other important employee…

Employment policies on traffic violations in company cars: Employment lawyer discusses on CTV News
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joined CTV News Ottawa to discuss the consequences of incurring a traffic violation in a company vehicle.

Atlas-Apex Roofing Severance Pay: Your Rights Explained
Laid off at Atlas-Apex Roofing? Discover your rights in Canada, how severance pay is calculated, and steps to take after job loss.

Appeal Win: B.C. sales clerk awarded $30K in wrongful dismissal case
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP successfully argued that CERB shouldn't be deducted from the employee's severance award.

Lighthouse Labs engages in companywide layoffs: Reports
Canadian education company Lighthouse Labs is laying off employees as part of a companywide restructuring, according to reports.

Lighthouse Labs: Severance Packages
Laid off or fired by Lighthouse Labs? Understand your rights to severance in Canada and how our experienced team can help.

CEVA Logistics: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at CEVA? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance pay.

Bank employees let go due to harassment: Employment lawyer discusses on CTV News
Alex Lucifero joined CTV News Ottawa to discuss the rights that employees have if they experience harassment at work.

No increase in pay for salaried employees on February 29: Lior Samfiru discusses on 900 CHML
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru with Rick Zamperin on 900 CHML discussed leap year pay implications for salaried employees.