Employment Law

Ontario Minimum Wage Going Up Oct. 1, 2024
The Ontario government has announced the new minimum wage in the province that will come into effect Oct. 1…

Foodtastic: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Foodtastic? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance pay.

Can employers in Ontario fire workers for taking a vacation?
Boss fired you for taking a vacation? Understand your rights in Ontario and how our experienced team can help.

Home Depot: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Home Depot? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance…

Li-Cycle Layoffs: 17% of staff being cut, ‘recalibrating’ organizational structure
The Toronto-based battery recycler believes the move will "increase efficiencies and facilitate cross-functional partnerships."…

Li-Cycle: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Li-Cycle? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance pay.

Working for Workers Four Act in Ontario: Employee Guide
Learn about key features in Ontario's new Working for Workers Four Act, including changes to vacation pay and rights for service workers.

Canada Goose Layoffs: 800 staff cut after warm winter, lower demand
Canada Goose is reducing its global corporate workforce by 17% following a warm winter and a difficult economic environment.

Canada Goose: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Canada Goose? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance…