Disability/Personal Injury
New Auto Insurance Changes Means REDUCED Benefits For You
Changes to auto insurance policies are coming to Ontario as of June 1, 2016, but benefit entitlements can be reduced if you're…
Toronto Police No Longer Responding to Minor Accidents
Toronto Police are no longer responding to minor accidents. Read about the reasons for the change and how they affect you going…
Long-term Disability: 5 Common Myths
Here are 5 myths that clients believe to be true when they come to us in regards to their long-term disability claim…
Insurance Coverage Denied: When a Stroke Isn’t a Stroke
Insurance policies contain exclusions and limitations that people should be aware of! People are SHOCKED when they are denied but they should…
How Ontario’s Auto Insurance Crisis Affects YOU
There is an auto insurance crisis in Ontario that people are unaware of until they find themselves in a situation that requires…
Corus – Evidence found on social media increasingly deciding factor in personal injury cases
Social media posts are being used by insurance companies to determine if claimants are really disabled. Sivan Tumarkin discusses a story out…
Globe and Mail – Travel insurance ‘confidence issue’ under review by regulators
The Canadian insurance industry has a confidence issue with the reliability and consistency of travel insurance policies. Sivan Tumarkin responds…
Global News – Cyclist gets hit with big bill from insurance company following crash
An Edmonton man has a warning for cyclists after he crashed his bicycle into a vehicle and received a massive bill in…
CBC News – Cyclist Rylan Kafara gets $6,000 bill after collision with SUV
Personal Injury lawyer Sivan Tumarkin questions an insurance company's ethics after they demanded a cyclist to pay more than $6,000 in damages.