Hamilton Spectator – Black Forest Inn: Human Rights Resolution

A resolution has been reached in a human rights case launched by three former servers who were employed at the Black Forest Inn restaurant. The complaint alleged that the iconic establishment engaged in age discrimination.
As noted by reporter Natalie Paddon in The Hamilton Spectator, the matter involving three women ranging in age from 49 to 64 was scheduled to be heard by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario starting Wednesday. A resolution was agreed upon by both parties after more than six hours of mediation.
Former staff Ilda Rosser, Brigitte Evans and Anele Murauskas – represented by paralegal Melanie Henriques at employment law firm Samfiru Tumarkin LLP – and the Black Forest Inn reached an “amicable resolution of the issues between them,” bringing the claim to an end.
Black Forest Inn: Statement of Resolution
The joint statement reads:
“The parties are pleased to report that the Black Forest Inn and its former employees Ilda Rosser, Brigitte Evans and Anele Murauskas have reached an amicable resolution of the issues between them, and the human rights claim made by these former employees has now been concluded.
The Black Forest Inn wishes to say that Ilda, Brigitte and Anele were all long-serving and valued employees at the restaurant and it appreciates their contributions to the restaurant’s success over the years and thanks them for their dedication to the restaurant and its heritage.
The Black Forest Inn is an equal opportunity employer whose business practices culture dictate that it does not discriminate on the basis of age or any other ground.
Ilda, Brigitte and Anele wish to express their longstanding devotion to the Black Forest Inn, and hope that their former customers will continue to patronize the restaurant. They also wish to say that they have the deepest respect for the staff who continue to work at the restaurant.”
“Ilda, Brigitte and Anele have great memories of those customers and their families,” said Henriques in a separate statement. “They will never be forgotten and will always be in their hearts.”
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP represents employees and employers, with employment lawyers serving Hamilton, the Greater Toronto Area and all of Ontario.