Employment Law

Are employers considering a four-day workweek?

Interview Summary

A recent study out of Iceland has shown that for some employees, a four-day workweek has many advantages and seems to encourage employee satisfaction. But can this structure be implemented in Canada? Will employees face other restrictions if the workweek is shortened?

Lior Samfiru, an employment lawyer and co-founding Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins Global News Radio 630 CHED’s Daryl McIntyre to answer these questions and more.

Interview Notes

Is the concept of a four-day workweek oversimplified?

The recent study from Iceland was a short study and from a small group. While there appears to be employee satisfaction for the initial implementation of a shorter week, there are possible future disadvantages. Employers who have tried a shorter workweek typically allow less time for social engagement and breaks in the workplace which employees might not appreciate.

Will a shorter work week encourage employee productivity?

While a four-day workweek could encourage employees to be more productive, there could also be additional pressure from employers as the amount of work expected from employees will not decrease. Employers should consider a flexible working arrangement and be wary of imposing a sole work model.

Is a four-day workweek realistic in Canada?

During the pandemic, many employees have felt increased burnout and pressure from employers. A shorter workweek could exaggerate mental health illnesses and anxiety. Some employers could be better served to consider working remotely to shorten the day for some employees who no longer have to commute.

Learn More
Employment lawyer on the hybrid work model
Employee rights while working remotely

Has the workplace shifted as a result of COVID-19?

The pandemic has forced many employers and businesses to consider other options, such as remote work in order to remain productive. Employers and employees should remember that arrangements put in place due to public health measures are not necessarily permanent. Significant changes to terms of employment do not have to be accepted by employees.

Are expectations regarding the workplace different in Canada compared to Europe?

Work culture and expectations differ greatly in North American and Europe. Many Canadian employees might not appreciate certain privileges being taken away in order to have a shorter workweek.

Are financial difficulties playing a role in employment disputes?

Many employers have had to implement measures in order to save their businesses and prevent further loss, such as mass layoffs, compensation restructuring and more. Despite the pandemic, employers cannot implement changes unilaterally.

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