Global News – Amazon Employee Attempts Suicide and UberEATS Driver Wages Slashed

A distressed Amazon employee sent out an email to hundreds of co-workers criticizing the company before leaping off its Seattle headquarters in a failed suicide attempt.
The unidentified worker, who had been placed on an “employee improvement plan,” jumped off the 12-story building in the downtown area Monday morning and survived the fall.
Before taking the plunge, the worker sent out a mass email to Amazon employees, including CEO Jeff Bezos, saying how he was displeased with the company’s recent handling of his transfer request, according to the news site, citing an anonymous source.
Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru, partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, joined host Jeff McArthur on The Morning Show on Global TV to discuss an employer’s obligations where transfer requests, performance reviews and employee mental health is concerned. Is Amazon liable for the employee’s injuries?
Samfiru also discusses the fact that Uber Eats is cutting its drivers wages by as much as 30%. McArthur asks if it is legal for Uber to reduce wages, and what rights Uber drivers have.