Disability/Personal Injury

Lawsuit launched against sperm bank

A headshot of Canadian disability lawyer James Fireman next to the Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and CBC News logos.

A sperm bank is facing several lawsuits launched by Canadian families after they misled their clients about a sperm donor’s medical history. Outreach Health Services advertised a particular donor as possessing with an advanced education as well as no health abnormalities, which was later proven to be false.

Disability lawyer James K Fireman, a representative of the Canadian families at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, joined CBC News to discuss the case further.


Radio interview

“The donor was held out to be a healthy, well-educated individual who had gone through extensive screening and testing and was healthy by all accounts. And so these families have each conceived a child from this donor and subsequently found out that the donor suffers from Charcot Marie Tooth disease,” says Fireman.

Seven Canadian families conceived children from this donor and five have now tested positive with CMT1.

“For the parents that have children that have this disease or that might have this disease, they are constantly waiting to see if it’s going to show up … any time something happens, they’re thinking, is this the first symptom? Is this the first time? And it is something that, you know, really gets underneath every interaction that they have with their children,” Fireman states.

The families are suing for roughly $30million in damages collectively. For more information on the lawsuits, click here.

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