Disability Law Show

Disability Law Show Bell Radio – S3 E23

A headshot of Disability Lawyer James Fireman, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, to the right of the Disability Law Show logo. He hosts the show on radio stations Newstalk 1010 in Toronto and Newstalk 580 CFRA in Ottawa, Ontario.

Episode Summary

Discover your rights and the truth about insurance companies and long-term disability claims on Season 3 Episode 23 of the Disability Law Show on Newstalk 1010 in Toronto.

Listen below to James K. Fireman, and Tamar Agopian, Disability lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, as they guide you through the proper steps to take when your insurance provider cuts off your long-term disability or denies your insurance claim.

Listen to the Episode

Episode Notes

  • I had a concussion and didn’t have symptoms for months but all of a sudden months later I had migraines and cognitive issues. Years later I’m still suffering from these symptoms after many tests and specialists. My benefits were cut off as I didn’t have a diagnosis. Is this right?
  • Subjective conditions, such as chronic pain and headaches, that cannot be diagnosed often lead to insurance companies denying benefits. Why is this?
  • I’m worried my benefits will be cut off soon. I have depression and have been seeing a psychotherapist and doctor. My doctor takes a long time to send in reports and it’s causing problems with my insurer. What can I do to make sure I keep getting my benefits?
  • I have fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel and am awaiting surgery but my benefits will be cut off in three months. What do I do as I’m not ready to return to work yet?
  • Can long-term disability benefits increase over time or does it remain the same?
  • My sister finds her work very rewarding, but her manager changed last year.  It all got to be too much for her, and unfortunately, she had a mental breakdown.  She is getting short-term disability benefits through her work but still has symptoms and the insurance company and her own psychologist are encouraging her to try to get back to work.  Does she have any options?
  • If someone gets a severance while they are receiving LTD benefits, does it impact their disability benefits?
  • If your doctor does not think you should return to your previous job, but could be able to work in a less stressful company, but your RTW is unsuccessful, are you able to reactivate the claim?

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