Disability Law Show: Alberta & BC – S2 E20

Episode Summary
How do disability policies differ and what types of provisions do they contain? Disability lawyer Martin Willemse at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, answers this question and more on the Disability Law Show on 980 CKNW, 770 CHQR and 630 CHED.
Listen below to discover important information about your rights and a guide through the proper steps to take when your insurance provider cuts off your long-term disability or denies your insurance claim.
Whether you need a BC disability lawyer or disability lawyers in Alberta, Martin and his team can get you the advice you need, and the compensation you deserve.
Listen to the Episode
Show Notes
- Gradual return to work plan: Claimants should ensure that their treating doctors and medical team approves of the proposed return to work plan. Insurers can pressure claimants to return to work before they are medically ready to do so. Doctors might disagree with the proposed plan or have their own accommodations and restrictions for claimants.
- Provisions in a disability policy: Disability policies can differ and include various terms and provisions. In many individual disabilty policies, there are partial disability provisions. These provisions are key for claimants who are only able to work on a partial basis. It is important for claimants to look closely at the terms of their disability policy, and request a copy if necessary.
- Schedule of benefits in disability policy: Claimants should only work to a capacity that they are actually able to do. Many claimants push themselves to work far beyond their ability to do so. A regression in recovery and health can occur for claimants, which can lead to an eventual complete inability to work. Many disability policies will stipulate that in order to have coverage, claimants must work a certain amount of hours.
- Additional ailments while on long-term disability: Some conditions can progress in severity over time. Progressive conditions allow claimants to work for a certain period of time before they are no longer able to do so. Claimants can have many different medical conditions simultaneously, or a condition can lead to a deterioration of mental or physical health. While a diagnosis is important for disability benefits, ultimately restrictions should be a major consideration.