Disability Law Show

Disability Law Show: Alberta & BC – S1 E26

A headshot of Disability Lawyer Sivan Tumarkin, Co-founding Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, to the right of the Disability Law Show logo. He hosts the show on radio stations 980 CKNW in Vancouver, 630 CHED in Edmonton, and 770 CHQR in Calgary.

Episode Summary

How do insurance companies view claimants applying for disability benefits? Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP answers this question and more on the Disability Law Show on 980 CKNW in Vancouver, 770 CHQR in Calgary and 630 CHED in Edmonton.

Listen below to discover important information about your rights and a guide through the proper steps to take when your insurance provider cuts off your long-term disability or denies your insurance claim.

Whether you need a BC disability lawyer or disability lawyers in Alberta, Sivan and his team can get you the advice you need, and the compensation you deserve.

Listen to the Episode

Show Notes

  • How insurance companies view disability claims: Most insurance companies view claimants as a number and a liability, and potential fraud. Claimants should remember that while applying for LTD they are making a claim through a policy contract, insurers make a profit from collecting premiums, and not paying claims.
  • Shielding rights and benefits from the insurance company: It is important for claimants to keep a detailed record of all communication with the insurance adjuster as well as detailed medical reports from their treating doctors and physicians. Claimants should not be vague and leave out details as it allows insurance adjusters to hone in on the information that was not provided.
  • Documentation and reports from a treating medical team: In the event that a long-term disability denial occurs, claimants should ensure that all medical information pertaining to their claim is up to date. Doctors’ reports to an insurer should be detailed and specific to a claimant’s inability to work as a result of their disability.
  • Disability benefits increase due to a change in coverage: Many contracts include a cost of living increase and claimants should make sure that they are aware of all the provisions included in their disability policy. In the event that an employer decides to change coverage while a claimant is on disability leave, the original insurance company should continue to provide benefits.
  • On STD due to major depression potentially back injuries leading to LTD: At the two-year mark the test in order to qualify for long-term disability benefits changes from an inability to work in a claimant’s own occupation, to any occupation. It is important for claimants to be clear and honest with their insurance adjuster on their ongoing health. Approval for short-term disability benefits does not mean automatic long-term disability benefits.

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