Disability Law Show 640 Toronto – S6 E20

Discover your rights and the TRUTH about long term disability and personal injury. Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman, Disability Lawyers and Partners at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, join co-host John Scholes as they guide you through the proper steps to take when your insurance provider cuts off your long-term disability or denies your insurance claim.
In This Episode
Chapter 1:
Do I have to go to the insurers’ doctor for a medical assessment?
A 48-year-old woman who suffers from severe depression. Her insurer had her see a new psychologist who reported after her assessment that she had improved and could return to work. Her family doctor referred her to another psychologist who concluded she was not able to return to work. She submitted this information in her appeal and was still denied.
Chapter 2:
Can a unionized employee seek outside legal counsel for LTD issues?
A dissatisfied potential customer left a review for another law firm on an LTD issue. The customer was a unionized employee and once they told the lawyer this they hung up abruptly. Though unionized workers often are required to use a union elected lawyer and not seek outside counsel, however, in LTD cases where the union does not have adequate specifications for LTD then they can seek outside legal counsel.
Chapter 3:
Top 3 Myths About LTD Claims
- If you hire a lawyer your LTD insurer will get angry and not pay you.
- Insurance companies have unlimited resources and once they have denied you they will never pay your claim.
- It will cost you money upfront to fight the insurance company and you can’t afford to do that.
Chapter 4:
I was denied LTD over a year ago and missed the deadline for appealing the decision. I am just wondering if I can still do anything about the denial because I missed the appeal deadline?
Chapter 5:
I tried to return to work but couldn’t do it. Can I go back on disability?
I was off on disability for a back injury and chronic pain. I tried to go to work but after 3 days my manager told me to go back home because I was in so much pain. My doctor told me I should go back on LTD because I am not ready to return to work, but my insurer says I can work part-time. What can I do?
Chapter 6:
What can I do if my insurer cuts me off for seeking alternatives to medication?
5 years ago, I lost my son to opioids and I have struggled since. I have refused to take medications to treat my depression because of my son’s struggle with addiction. My insurer has cut me off claiming that I am not following doctors’ orders and refusing treatment. Is there anything I can do?
Chapter 7:
What can I do if my insurer thinks I am lying about my condition?
I have been trying new medications for my sciatica and my doctor said I should see improvements, but I haven’t. My insurer saw those notes and has accused me of lying about my condition and is cutting off my LTD because of this. What should I do in this situation?
Chapter 8:
What can I do if I received short-term disability but was denied long-term disability?
My friend from work has been having marital issues. He recently got divorced and has been suffering from depression. He applied for and received short-term disability but has been denied LTD. I am worried this will have an impact on his progress. Is there anything you can do?
Chapter 9:
Can my insurer tell me that I can change to another career and cut me off due to this?
I have been on LTD for 16 months and I recently saw someone from the insurance company who came up with a list of other jobs that I can do. What can I do? I feel like this is a scam.
Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help.
Call 1-855-821-5900, email us at help@DisabilityRights.ca or fill out a contact form to get help now.
Discover your rights when your Long Term Disability Claim is denied. Find out more here.
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