What can those with COVID-19 vaccine related injuries expect from VISP?


Interview Summary

An individual in B.C has received personal injury compensation after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and spending many weeks in a hospital recovering as a result. What can other claimants expect from filing claims with the Vaccine Injury Support Program?

James Fireman, a disability and personal injury lawyer in Toronto and Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins Kelly Cutrara on 640 Toronto to discuss the case and the rights of claimants pursuing injury benefits.

Interview Notes

  • Inquiries regarding vaccine-related injuries: It is very rare that when an individual has a vaccine-related injury however there are many employment questions regarding vaccine policies at the workplace.
  • Compensation is available to claimants suffering COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries: There are 2 different compensation options available to those who qualify for benefits under VISP. A lump sum settlement is available for individuals however it is difficult to qualify as the injury has to be a severe and long-term injury. There is also a fund set up to compensate those who have suffered a loss of income as a result of the vaccination.
  • Expediency in receiving injury benefits: The program was initially announced in 2020 but was not open to apply to the summer of 2021. Ultimately it does seem like claimants would receive benefits 8-9 months after applying.
  • Proof needed to support the claim: Those suffering from an injury as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine need medical evidence that the vaccine was given, as well as proof of the impact that the vaccine had. The typical application documents will be filled out as well.

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