3 Ways To Make Your Long-term Disability Claim Stronger – Disability Law Show TV: S2 E10

3 ways to make your long-term disability claim stronger and what should you do if your disability claim is cut off due to surveillance footage? Find out the answers and more on Season 2 Episode 10 of the Disability Law Show on Global TV with disability lawyers Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman. Discover your rights if the insurance company denies your long term disability claim. The only program in Canada dedicated to long-term disability.
►00:47 – The Week That Was: A client from Vancouver, British Columbia, worked as a mechanic for over 4 years. He has a back problem and is also suffering from depression and anxiety. His psychologist recommended that he try to engage in more activities and be more social to help with his depression. His disability was cut off based on surveillance stating that his activities showed that he was no longer disabled.
► 08:25 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – I’ve worked in the clothing industry for 25 years but recently there have been some major changes where I work. I’ve been on short-term disability because of severe migraines and mental health issues and will be applying for long term disability next. I’m afraid that if I am let go from my job before I am able to apply for long term disability that I will not be able to apply for it. What should I do?
3 Ways To Make Your Long-term Disability Claim Stronger
► 12:15 – Get referrals to specialists
► 15:35 – Make sure your doctors continue to send reports to the insurer
► 17:00 – Make sure you comply with all the treatments your doctors prescribe
► 20:08 – http://www.mydisabilityquestions.com – My sister suffers from Schizophrenia and has been seeing a psychiatrist for the past 5 years. She is not doing well and the psychiatrist is trying different medications. She is 38 years old and I helped her to apply for long term disability through her work but she was denied her application because the insurance company said that she is not totally disabled. I don’t understand what that means. If her psychiatrist says that she can’t work then why was she denied? Can she re-apply?
► 25:40 – Email from Help@disabilityrights.ca – My insurance company wants to send somebody to my home to stay with me for a few hours to see how I move around the house. I have been on LTD for 5 months now. They say they don’t have a clear picture of my condition from my doctor. I don’t feel comfortable having someone coming to my house to observe me, but they told me I have to agree, or my insurance will be cut off. What should I do? Can the cut off my insurance if I decline their house call?
Next Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E11 – 5 Things you MUST do if your LTD is about to be cut off
Previous Episode: Disability Law Show S2 E9 – 3 things you should do if your long-term disability insurance company says that you MUST try to go back to work
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Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help.
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