Disability Law Show: Ontario – S5 E30

Episode Summary
What are the benefits of hiring a disability lawyer? Disability lawyer and co-managing Partner Sivan Tumarkin at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP answer this question and more on the Disability Law Show on 640 Toronto.
Listen below to discover important information about your rights and a guide through the proper steps to take when your insurance provider cuts off your long-term disability or denies your claim.
When you need a disability lawyer in Ontario, Sivan and his team can get you the advice you need, and the compensation you deserve.
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Show Notes
- Slip and fall accident in a grocery store: In the event of a slip and fall accident, some injuries can be severe and can prevent individuals from working. It is vital for those injured in an accident to document all elements of the incident and seek immediate medical attention. In some cases, a slip and fall can occur due to negligence. Insurance companies might send over an adjuster to confirm the events that took place. Insurers will put the events in their own words in order to justify denying fault and benefits.
- Hiring a disability lawyer: It is beneficial for claimants to hire a disability lawyer if their claim has been denied. Retaining a disability lawyer will ensure that a claimant no longer has to communicate directly with an insurance adjuster. Hiring the right disability lawyer will enable claimants to focus on their own health and recovery while resolving a claim efficiently.
- Serious injuries after a car accident: After a car accident occurs, individuals involved should seek immediate medical attention. In a rear-end collision, one driver will be considered at fault. In Ontario, accident benefits are accessible to anyone involved in a car accident, regardless of fault. Depending on the severity of injuries, different accident benefits are accessible.