Sun Life denies mother’s claim due to disabled son: $5M lawsuit

Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has filed a $5.3M lawsuit in Ontario Superior Court alleging that insurance provider Sun Life Financial callously cut off long-term disability (LTD) payments to a clinically depressed mother of two, because she provides around-the-clock care to her severely disabled son.
“Despite extensive medical opinions that her health is actually getting worse, Sun Life wrongly believes that our client’s ability to care for her severely disabled son suggests that she is not “totally disabled”, and can return to work,” said disability lawyer James K. Fireman, a partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP who is representing 44-year-old Sandra Bullock.
• Sun Life LTD claims and denials
Sun Life Disability Claim Denied: Sandra Bullock’s Story
Bullock suffers from thoroughly diagnosed major depressive disorder, anxiety and recurring migraines. She is the primary caregiver to her extremely developmentally delayed 9-year-old son, Jacob, who requires constant supervision, especially at night, when his sleep is regularly interrupted because he has difficulty swallowing.
Bullock’s commitment to her son has resulted in a tremendous lack of sleep, and the exhaustion has taken a toll on her mental and physical health, culminating with her leave of absence from work.
In addition to caring for Jacob, Bullock also suffers from various physical ailments. In 2011, her mother passed away. Approximately 6 months later, her sister was diagnosed with liver failure. And in 2013, her father was diagnosed with cancer.
WATCH: Disability lawyer James K. Fireman and Bullock were interviewed by Global News Consumer Reporter Sean O’Shea.
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Bullock has also had to endure Sun Life’s indecision regarding her disability claim.
Her LTD claim was originally denied on April 12, 2017. Less than five months later, after securing extensive medical documentation to support her claim, Sun Life reversed its position and approved Bullock’s LTD claim.
Less than a year after reversing their initial denial, Sun Life abruptly cut off Bullock’s LTD benefits, leaving her without financial support for herself and her children.
Disability lawyer James K. Fireman joined The Roy Green Show to share Bullock’s story. Listen to the interview below.
“This is yet another frustrating case that sheds light on the arbitrary decisions that insurance companies make when denying legitimate claims to suffering individuals,” notes Fireman. “These are people who have properly paid into their policy and are forced to turn to LTD in order to survive.”