Employment Law

Lior Samfiru, CTV News Ottawa, on disconnecting from the workplace

Interview Summary

Right to disconnect policies come into effect across the province of Ontario and with it, many employees are questioning their rights going forward in the workplace. What can employees expect once a policy has been outlined by their employers?

Lior Samfiru, a Toronto employment lawyer and national co-managing Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins CTV News Ottawa to discuss the new legislation and employee rights.

Interview Notes

“All this law really does is require employers to have a policy addressing the right to disconnect,” says Samfiru. Samfiru

Samfiru explains that companies and employers can decide on their own what to include in their policies, even if it means contacting employees outside of regular work hours.

“Employers can tick a box saying we have a policy. It doesn’t provide real substantial rights to employees. This is a real missed opportunity.”

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