Employment Law

Employment lawyer on Lindsay Shepherd Lawsuit

A headshot of Toronto employment lawyer Lior Samfiru next to the logos for Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and radio station 640 Toronto.

University teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd, who gained prominence after being disciplined for showing students a TV clip of controversial professor Jordan Peterson discussing gender-neutral pronouns is suing Wilfrid Laurier University for $3.6 million.

In an unproven statement of claim filed this week, Shepherd says Wilfrid Laurier University behaved negligently, leaving her unemployable in academia.

The suit names the school in Waterloo, Ont., two professors, and a manager of the university’s diversity and equity office. It seeks a total of $3.6 million in various damages.

Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru told Global News Radio 640 Toronto host Kelly Cutrara why the $3.6 million lawsuit is “utter nonsense” in the context of Canadian law, and why her lawsuit is unlikely to be successful in a courtroom.

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