Employment Law

Employee burnout and the right to disconnect policy

A headshot of Toronto employment lawyer Chris Justice next to the logos for Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and radio station 640 Toronto.

Interview Summary

The Working for Workers Act in Ontario has recently passed and with its implementation, questions regarding disconnecting from the workplace have arisen. How will the right to disconnect be enforced in the workplace? Do employees who follow the new regulations face potential consequences from their employers?

Chris Justice, a Toronto employment lawyer and Associate at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP spoke with Jeff McArthur on 640 Toronto to discuss employee burnout and disconnecting from the workplace in Ontario.

Interview Notes

  • Will the right to disconnect implementation as part of Bill 27 result in real change for employees? What are some potential drawbacks?
  • Can employers still contact employees outside of regular work hours? Can employees refuse to respond to employers outside of the workday?
  • What will a ban on non-compete clauses mean for employees?
  • Are there other elements of the Working for Workers Act which employees should be aware of?
  • Will this new bill ultimately affect employee burnout and work-life balance?

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