Who is considered an essential worker in Canada?
Find out the definitions in Canada of essential workers, your rights when it comes to working from home, and mandated paid sick…

Infectious Disease Emergency Leave in Ontario (COVID-19)
Find out what Ontario's Infectious Disease Emergency Leave is, who it applies to, when an employee can use it, and how it…

John Tory and Disclosing Work Relationships: Lawyer on Canadian Justice
Employment lawyer Mackenzie Irwin joins Canadian Justice to discuss workplace relationships and policies.

Severance for Nordstrom Employees Unlikely: Employment Lawyer on CTV News
Employment lawyer Lluc Cerda spoke with CTV News to discuss the likelihood of severance entitlements for Nordstrom employees.

Employment lawyer on denial of EI benefits after termination
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus spoke to Saba Aziz at Global News on a federal court ruling regarding EI benefits and vaccine mandates.

EI Denials and Vaccine Refusals: Newstalk 1010 interviews Jon Pinkus
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins Jim Richards on Newstalk1010 to discuss EI denials and terminations after refusing the COVID-19 vaccine.

Tide Turning on Vaccine Mandates & Terminations: National Post interviews lawyer
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus speaks with the National Post on a recent court decision regarding a terminated unvaccinated employee.

Kraken COVID Variant and Remote Work: CityNews Interviews Calgary Employment Lawyer
Employment lawyer Karen Tereposky joins CityNews to discuss a new COVID-19 variant and an employee's right to work from home.

Employment lawyer on implementing paid sick day programs
An employment lawyer joined Rubina Ahmed-Haq on 640 Toronto to discuss employers implementing paid sick day programs.