Aurora Cannabis closing outdoor grow site in B.C.

Aurora Cannabis plans to close an outdoor growing operation in British Columbia, but claims fewer than 10 jobs will be affected.
The closure of this site, located approximately 45 kilometres southeast of Kamloops, was decided in response to the company’s recent acquisition of Thrive Cannabis.
The purchased company has both indoor and outdoor growing facilities and has been used in the commercialization of marijuana products for years.
Aurora announced the plans to purchase Thrive’s parent company, TerraFarma Inc., in March of this year in exchange for $38 million in cash along with shares.
Kate Killyar, the spokesperson for Aurora Cannabis, explained in an email to The Canadian Press that the employees who were being affected by the closure were well-informed of this change prior to the spring planting season and were given the offer of a transitional role within the company, wherever possible.
In Canada, the cannabis industry has been involved in multiple layoffs in 2022 so far.
Severance Pay Facts
Employees of Aurora Cannabis that are being affected by this closure have employment rights, especially concerning the severance pay they may be owed.
If a non-unionized employee is let go from their workplace without cause, the company has an obligation to provide them with proper severance pay of up to 24 months’ pay when factors such as age, length of service, and position are considered.
• Severance Pay in B.C.
• Labour shortage leads to Aurora keeping unvaccinated workers
• Aurora Cannabis layoffs after deal with Great North
Before accepting any severance package presented to you by your employer, learn more about severance pay for Aurora Cannabis employees.
Check out our helpful Severance Pay Calculator to better understand your entitlements.
Do you have to accept a transition within the company after your position was eliminated?
If your job has been eliminated and your employer is offering to transition you to another position within the company, you may be entitled to severance pay.
Once an employee’s position has been eliminated, they are entitled to hold out for a job that is comparable with their skills, experience, and salary expectations.
Therefore, if the internal transfer job being offered is comparable to the employees previous job in terms of tasks, duties, and pay, failing to accept those transfer jobs likely eliminates their entitlement to severance.
If it is not comparable (i.e: employee was a manager, and is now being offered an entry-level position at a much lower salary), then not accepting the transfer job does not eliminate or even reduce their potential severance.
Employment Standards Branch
If you are an employee at Aurora Cannabis whose job is being affected by the closure, it is highly recommended that you do not consult with the Employment Standards Branch in B.C.
An employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP will be able to secure your full entitlements, whereas Employment Standards is only able to obtain your minimum severance pay according to the government standards