Vancouver Canucks fire anthem singer over anti-mask rally

A headshot of Toronto employment lawyer Lior Samfiru next to the logos for Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and radio station 640 Toronto.

The Vancouver Canucks have decided to terminate their national anthem singer due to his decision to perform at an anti-mask protest in Vancouver British Columbia. While there has been some pushback at regulations put into place by public health officials across the country, this recent termination begs the question as to whether or not an employee’s choices outside of the workplace can influence their employment.

Toronto employment lawyer and partner Lior Samfiru at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins the Kelly Cutrara show on 640 to explore the consequences of employee’s decisions and their rights in regards to termination.

What They Discussed

  • Is the Canucks singer’s decision to sing at an anti-mask rally grounds for dismissal? Freedom of expression does not apply to private individuals and private businesses but in regards to acts of government. An employer can decide an employee’s actions are in contrast to the company’s values as an organization and end the working relationship.
  • Is the root of the issue that the Canucks singer performed an action that is a direct tie to the brand he represents? In this situation, the Canucks could have feared that the singer’s actions would personally represent their own beliefs. An employee cannot be terminated for expressing their religious beliefs as that is a human rights violation.
  • Can an employee’s social media presence influence their employment? For employees who have a more public role, this is especially important to remember that their actions could potentially represent their employer.

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